Monday, June 11, 2012

Pay Per Click Ads - I got my account suspended after a few days

When you are looking for more traffic, you want to try many different things.  Free traffic methods are usually at the top of the list, but when you are online, you think about trying paid traffic sources.

You don't really want to pay for it, but it could give you quick results.  Paid traffic companies know that people are hesitant to open up their wallets to get web traffic.  So they sometimes offer free money for you to start your account.

So recently, I came across one of those free codes that gives you some money to get started with pay per click advertising.  I signed up for the site and it was really easy to get the account credited with the hundred dollars.  Then the hard part of creating successful ads came into play.  When you are just getting started with pay per click, you might not understand everything that they are asking you.  You need to come up with a good headline, two lines of content for your ad, and a display and link url.  

Getting the ad created was not that difficult or so I thought.  Once you get your ad created, then you have to find the keywords that you want to target.  This is where it starts to get a little funky.  You have to do some keyword research.  How many searches are taking place and how much do you have to pay for that keyword?  You need to think about how much you are ready to pay.  Plus, you can set a daily budget so that you don't end up running your account dry just by making a mistake with too many keywords.

So you find some keywords and then you expect to see some results right?  Hold on a minute!  They check your ads to see if they are good enough to run live.  There are terms of using the service that I didn't pay attention to.  So I setup like three ads but none of them were ever live and getting traffic.  

Is your site good enough to use for pay per click ads?  I didn't check my email to notice that the pay per click company didn't like my sites.  They only give you so many chances before they ban your account.  I made the big mistake of not checking my email and yes you guessed it, the account got suspended.  

This was my first attempt at using pay per click ads.  This was going to be a quick test to see how much traffic I could generate.  So what was the problem with my sites?  I was trying to direct link to cost per action offers.  The pay per click company must not have liked that at all.  

Now I am returning to free traffic methods.  It will take more time and it will be harder to scale up, but my first experience with pay per click was not to my liking.  There are lots of pay per click ad companies, and I might try to use another company in the future. 

The lesson to learn is to investigate the terms of service before moving forward.  I thought the process of getting started would be quick and easy, but pay per click takes much more effort than some of the free methods.  You have to be much more hands on and learn many more rules and regulations to be successful.  

I guess it is better not to put all of your eggs in the same basket.  This was an educational process.  I did get the chance to see how ads are created and walk through the process of setting up a pay per click campaign.  So all was not lost.  

So if you are a newbie and you are thinking about using pay per click ads, you need to do your homework before jumping into it.  If you don't, your account can get zapped really quick.

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