Lots of people are using the internet and who knows how many more will be getting on in the future. How are people getting online? They could be getting computers, laptops or smartphones.
Cheap android phones means that more people will be able to get a web connection and start looking at websites and mobile apps. Are you thinking about getting into mobile apps? Are you thinking about all the people on social media?
Downloading social media apps on a smartphone or a tablet and using it is something that is fun to do and a learning experience. Some of the social media apps are easier to use than others. Are you looking at the social media applications as a place to go for more traffic?
Taking photos, recording videos and even making podcasts might be something to consider for more traffic generation. Setting up the websites and landing pages is just the beginning.
Going down the road of the social media traffic sources is something that people have to pay attention to for more traffic options. Where are you watching videos online? Are you looking at videos on youtube on your desktop computer, laptop or smartphone?
Start taking a look at how you are consuming social media content. It might be plugging your smartphone into the aux cord slot in the car and listening to content from youtube. It might be checking your social media account with your smartphone data plans. Are you pulling up lots of webpags on your smartphone? Running out of data on a smartphone can be a real issue.
What are the social media applications that you like to use a lot? Are there some new social media apps that you are not using? Why? There are lots of choices and only so much time to take advantage. Downloading the social apps on smartphones and tablets is one of the first steps to figuring things out.
Following different social media accounts and seeing the types of information that is posted is a way of learning the ropes. What kinds of accounts are you following on instagram? Are you checking for the daily motivational quotes on instagram? Are you looking at the luxury homes on instragram from around the world? Are you viewing the pages of celebrities? People have lots of options when it comes to social media pages.
What do you think about buying stuff using your smartphone? Are you even thinking about buying products from social media? Do you ever click the social media traffic links yourself? If you don't, why not? Are you just on social media to view pictures of your friends and family?
How long is your smartphone on during the day? Are you keeping your smartphone turned off? Are you opening up web browsers more or are you clicking on the social media apps to check the news feeds? The mobile phone seems to be the key.
What are some of the downsides of your mobile phone experience? Have you ever tried to download an app and the smartphone notified you that you are out of memory? How does that make you feel? There are lots of apps in the apps store and google play. Which apps are you ready to remove from your phone to make room for new apps?
The smartphone screens are prime real estate. Are you downloading apps and then not using them? How many social media apps are you really using versus just having them on your smartphone? There are plenty of questions to consider.
Are you buying stuff from mobile apps? Are you just checking the mobile apps to discover new stuff and going to a regular computer to see more information? Are you still going into the malls or retail stores to actually see the items before buying?
What are some of the other issues with mobile? Is your mobile phone battery running down? Is your smartphone screen cracked? Are you clicking on links by mistake with your smartphone? Keeping the questions going is something to put into the plan.
When is the last time you added a new app to your smartphone? What are the hot apps for the new year? Are you watching some of the videos on youtube talking about the internet of things and industry 4.0? Are you learning about big data? Are you looking at mobile apps and ecommerce apps outside of your country?
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